Change our culture for prison operations and criminal justice in CT
Find Your Mission in Life

In what ways might your mission be similar to our Mission?

People, Churches, Ministries and Authorities come together as One for Works of Service for the Least of These

I pray ... that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. John 17:20-21 NIV
John 17:20-21

What are  Works of Service?

These are six important works of service given to us by Jesus and by His apostles, prophets, teachers and pastors.
Ephesians 4:11-13).

  • Go, take your church to the people, learn their needs.
  • Serve, meet their needs.
  • Love, God and your neighbor as yourself. (see Greatest Commandment)
  • Teach, the gospel and my commands. (Matthew 28:20)
  • Baptize,  move souls from being lost to being saved
  • Make disciples, of all nations. (see Great Commission

Where can we get these kinds of help? And whom should we serve?

Jesus described hungry, thirsty, stranger, needing clothes, sick, in prison, and said, “… whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 NIV

Here is one way. Volunteer inside and outside prisons.

Volunteer for Prison Ministry in CT

What else is a good and necessary first step?

Go, the first of the six broad works of service is very important. Go yourself, or take your church to the people, identify someone with a need, and then unite with others who can add their ability to yours to meet the need.
Ministries in CT